Fuzzy Salt and Pepper Noise Removing for Color Images
Penghilang Noise untuk Gambar Berwarna menggunakan Fuzy Salt and Paper
Within the field of digital image processing applications, observed images frequently exposed to noise corruption stemming from image acquisition or transmission processes. This noise degradation reduces image quality and yields unfavorable outcomes in subsequent processing stages (e.g., segmentation, pattern recognition, and enhancement). Consequently, the mitigation of noise in images assumes paramount importance in the domain of image processing. This study introduces an algorithm centered around fuzzy logic for removing impulse noise from color images. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is assessed by comparing their performance against various noise reduction methods. Objective metrics, namely peak signal-to-noise ratio and mean square error, substantiate that the proposed algorithms yield commendable outcomes in noise reduction and the preservation of intricate image details across a wide spectrum of noise densities
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