Visual Identity Development Concept on Promotion and Communication Media of Pacitan Vocational Community College

Konsep Pengembangan Identitas Visual Pada Media Promosi Dan Komunikasi Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan (AKN Pacitan)

  • (1) * Citra Ratih Prameswari            AKN Pacitan  

  • (2)  Fajar Abadi            AKN Pacitan  

  • (3)  Charisma Indra Kumala            AKN Pacitan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Previous research on designing a visual guidebook for AKN Pacitan continues in the current research. The visual identity of AKN Pacitan in accordance with the statutes has been packaged in a guidebook, which will later become a visual identity standard for all AKN Pacitan promotional and communication media. The website is one of the media for promotion and communication of AKN Pacitan to the wider community. The visual identity display and website layout are adjusted to those already in the visual guidebook. This research aims to ensure that the visual identity of AKN Pacitan can be implemented into all promotional and communication media of AKN Pacitan, especially for website media.

Picture in here are illustration from public domain image (License) or provided by the author, as part of their works
How to Cite
Ratih Prameswari, C., Abadi, F., & Indra Kumala, C. (2024). Visual Identity Development Concept on Promotion and Communication Media of Pacitan Vocational Community College. JOINCS (Journal of Informatics, Network, and Computer Science), 7(1), 30-36.