JOINCS (Journal of Informatics, Network, and Computer Science) JOINCS (Journal of Informatics, Network, and Computer Science) en-US (Cindy Taurusta) (Pusat Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah (P3I) UMSIDA) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 A Decision Support System For Performance Assessment Of Village Equipment Using Hybrid Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Method Between AHP And TOPSIS (Bringin Village,Juwana Pati) <p>The Village Apparatus is a staff element that assists the Village Head in policy formulation and coordination, which is organized in the village secretariat and supporting the Village Head's duties in implementing policies, which are organized in the form of technical implementers and territorial elements. However, in reality, the performance of village officials in Bringin Village, Juwana Pati is still lacking and needs to be addressed in order to be optimal. Interviews conducted with the village head of Bringin, Juwana Pati said that the performance of village officials is still not considered optimal and good in a stable manner, so an evaluation is needed in the performance of village officials in Bringin Village, Juwana Pati. Therefore, a system is needed to evaluate, assess, and improve the performance of village officials in Bringin Village, Juwana Pati. The purpose of this study is to determine the results of the implementation of the Hybrid AHP and TOPSIS methods on a decision support system in helping the village head to conduct performance appraisals on village officials in Bringin Village, Juwana Pati. The system development method used is waterfall. The results of the implementation of the two methods concluded that the system built has been able to produce recommendations for determining the performance appraisal of village officials and meet functional needs. This shows that the AHP and TOPSIS methods can be used to solve problems related to determining the performance assessment of village officials by producing the best alternative based on the highest/largest preference value.</p> Muhdi Maulana, Rr. Dewi Handayani Untari N Copyright (c) 2024 Muhdi Maulana Maulana Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:00:10 +0000 DESIGN AND BUILD THE GAME SOLID SHAPES EXPLORER BASED ON ANDROID <p>In mathematics lessons in elementary schools, the learning methods used by teachers are often still conventional, which can reduce students' interest in learning, especially at the elementary level, making them feel that math is not fun. The problem faced by the 5th grade teacher of UPT SD Negeri 192 Gresik is the difficulty of students in understanding the material of geometry, especially the formula for calculating the area and volume of various geometry. The limited learning media used, especially in the material of geometry, causes students to feel bored and have difficulty understanding the material. This research aims to design and produce an educational game. which can be used as a student learning tool related to geometry. In this research, using Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) as the method used. The pretest and posttest results for the Solid Shapes Explorer game tested showed that the average pretest score of 20 students was 63.5, while for the posttest, the average student score reached 82. From the calculation results, it can be seen that the average posttest score shows an increase compared to the pretest score, with a difference of about 18.5 It can be stated that the use of learning through the Solid Shapes Explorer game has succeeded in improving students' understanding of geometry material.</p> Ade Kurniawan Putra, Aidil Primasetya Armin Copyright (c) 2024 Ade Kurniawan Putra, Aidil Primasetya Armin Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:00:32 +0000 DESIGN OF "VERB-ING FOR FUN" LEARNING MEDIA FOR CLASS 4 PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>MI Al-Ihsan Sidoarjo is a madrasa school located in Sidoarjo, East Java. However, the teachers there still rely on textbooks and question sheets for their teaching methods, and do not have projectors to use PowerPoint as another teaching method, which often causes students to not understand the essence of the lessons being delivered, due to the detailed delivery of the material. With these considerations in mind, the researcher solved the problem at MI Al-Ihsan by creating an interactive learning media application called "Verb-ng for Fun" specifically for English lessons which can be accessed using a computer in the lab, so that it can be used by MI English teachers. Al-Ihsan as a supporter for delivering lesson material. In designing it, the researcher studied the English teacher at MI Al-Ihsan and used the material in the textbook as application design material. The researcher aims to use the ADDIE method as a reference for designing interactive learning media applications that will be created. It is hoped that the design of this application can be used to improve students' understanding of English lessons.</em></p> Raka Arya Pratama - Copyright (c) 2024 Raka Arya Pratama - Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:00:50 +0000 A Analysis and Design of WLAN-Based Internet Networks Using the TOP-DOWN Method in RT/RW NET <p><em>Penulis mengelola analisis performa jaringan dan rancangan jaringan internet berbasis WLAN pada RT/RW Net di Dusun Gunungsari, Desa Gunungsari, Kecamatan Dawarblandong, Kota Mojokerto. Konektivitas internet yang berkualitas dan handal menjadi kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat. Namun, sering kali performa jaringan tidak optimal dan mengakibatkan muncul masalah latensi yang tinggi dan throughput yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, analisis menyeluruh dan perancangan jaringan sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan layanan dan kebutuhan pengguna. Metode Top-Down digunakan sebagai landasan, dari perencanaan hingga implementasi. Langkah awal pada tahap analisis performa jaringan adalah dengan mengumpulkan informasi terkait parameter yang nantinya digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dan identifikasi terkait masalah yang dapat terjadi. Setelah analisis performa jaringan, perancangan jaringan dilakukan dengan Cisco Packet Tracer sebagai aplikasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan perancangan terkait solusi masalah jaringan nantinya. Kemudian dilakukan evaluasi lagi dalam perancangan jaringan, dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pengguna dan infrastruktur yang ada. Termasuk pada pemilihan perangkat keras, konfigurasi, frekuensi yang optimal, serta cakupan sinyal yang luas.</em></p> Muhammad Maulana AlFaris Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Maulana AlFaris Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:01:17 +0000 Design And Construction Of Shuff Photo Studio E-Booking Application Based On Responsive Web <p><em>Penelitian ini membahas sistem e-booking yang diimplementasikan oleh Shuff Photo Studio sebagai solusi modern dalam manajemen reservasi, memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melakukan pemesanan kapan saja tanpa batasan waktu. Sistem e-booking ini memungkinkan pelanggan untuk memilih waktu dan jenis layanan yang diinginkan, serta memproses pembookingan menggunakan database MySQL yang menyimpan informasi reservasi secara aman. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode Waterfall. Setiap pemesanan ditindaklanjuti dengan konfirmasi melalui email atau pesan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan pelanggan dalam melakukan reservasi, sistem ini juga mempermudah Shuff Photo Studio dalam mengenalkan produk dan layanan mereka, serta menyediakan proses transaksi yang efisien.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Database, E-booking, Web Responsive</em></p> Widya Cholid Wahyudin, Silviana Putri Avisia Copyright (c) 2024 Widya Cholid Wahyudin Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cascaded Context-Aware Instance Segmentation with Transformer-Encoder for Adverse Weather Condition <p><em>Localizing objects from an image has been a vital part in autonomous driving since object localization performance directly correlate with the safety of the passenger. Robust and accurate object localization that can adapt to any driving environment has always been improved to ensure a safe and reliable system. In this work, we propose CBNet, a two-stage instance segmentation network for an autonomous driving environment. The network leverages a powerful transformer network as the feature extractor to improve performance. In addition, our proposed network utilizes a cascade design for both the object proposal network and the region-of-interests classifier. The cascade design addresses the issue of degrading detections over a high detection threshold. Moreover, we implement shape and edge-aware losses for the segmentation mask and end-to-end knowledge distillation strategy during training to improve the robustness of the network in extreme conditions. Our proposed network achieves 6.5 AP and 5.7 mIoU improvement from the prior methods in Cityscapes driving dataset. Furthermore, we evaluate our network in Foggy Cityscapes dataset to ensure the robustness of our network in extreme conditions. CBNet is able to improve the performance of prior methods by 7.7 AP and 6.7 mIoU in Foggy Cityscapes dataset.</em></p> Muhamad Amirul Haq, Le Nam Quoc Huy Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Amirul Haq, Le Nam Quoc Huy Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Automated Data Extractor untuk Ekstraksi Data Formulir Evaluasi <p><em><span lang="EN-US">Makalah ini menyajikan pembahasan tentang program aplikasi sebagai alat ekstraksi data PDF otomatis yang diimplementasikan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python, dirancang untuk mengotomatiskan ekstraksi data terstruktur dari dokumen PDF khususnya formulir evaluasi rekan kerja. Aplikasi ini memiliki fitur kemudahan penggunaan, memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengunggah file PDF, memproses ekstraksi data dari formulir PDF standar yang secara tradisional memerlukan entri data manual atau sistem pengenalan karakter optik (OCR) yang kompleks, dan memperoleh tampilan data hasil ekstraksi dalam format tabel. Makalah ini memuat pembahasan tentang metodologi, hasil, dan potensi peningkatan alat di masa depan.</span></em></p> Taukhid Broto, Yessi Ulfia, Eko Purnomo Copyright (c) 2024 Taukhid Broto, Yessi Ulfia, Eko Purnomo Thu, 02 Jan 2025 04:05:11 +0000