Sarcasm Detection in News Headline Dataset with Ensemble Deep Learning Method
Deteksi Sarkasme Pada Dataset News Headline Dengan Metode Ensemble Deep Learning
Sarcasm, a prevalent linguistic device, is frequently used in public discourse, often causing offence and distress to the listener. The complexity inherent in detecting sarcasm is a significant and ongoing challenge in the field of sentiment analysis research. The widespread use of this phenomenon in diverse conversational contexts further complicates its identification in data sets full of human interactions. Deficiencies in methodologies for distinguishing such statements adversely affect the performance of sentiment analysis, especially in distinguishing negative, positive or neutral sentiments. Inaccuracies in sarcasm detection can affect the classification results of sentiment analysis. Therefore, sentiment analysis seeks to categorise sarcastic sentences that, despite appearing positive, actually contain negative meanings. This research aims to build a deep learning ensemble stack model. The basic deep learning methods used are Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BiGRU) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). LightGBM is used to perform stack ensemble of deep learning methods. The dataset used comes from the Kaggle website and consists of English headlines. The findings show that the stack ensemble method outperforms BiGRU and CNN, evidenced by an accuracy rate of 91.2% and an F1 score of 90.2%. Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that the LightGBM method emerges as the optimal solution for sarcasm detection
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